Surely it’s not the only thing in life. Who’d want to be like those people you see who are only interested in making money, ignoring anything else in their lives.
We often hear that the best things in life are free. Personally, I think the best things in life are kids, but nobody has yet been able to show me how they are free!
Most people are afraid of making money, for a number of reasons. They may think:
- Rich people must have done something dishonest. Rich ones I have met got started, they worked harder and longer than most, they had plans, they got good advice, and almost all were as honest as the day they were born.
- You have to already be rich to invest. OK, you need to start somewhere, but once can save regularly you should invest, because you have to invest to get richer.
- They are afraid of making mistakes which could end up with them losing everything. Yes, if you do the wrong things it can happen. Get it right by learning, planning, deciding and getting the best advice. And if make a mistake, learn from it.
- I could go on and on, because I have met so many people who had lots of other fears.
You need to start somewhere. Or may have already made a start. Either way you have nothing to lose by asking Ian Payne to come and see you. He likes weak black coffee – no milk, no sugar. You can make a cup of that, can’t you?